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At GMI, we believe our clients are more than just partners. We invest time to understand your business, users, and needs, shaping success together

Ilona Budzbon Sales & Marketing

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Building an online product – does it have to last from 6 to 12 months?

Six months, three thousand working hours for programmers, and 50% of project budget – that will be the cost of a product specification, and we...

miko lehman Miko Lehman
05 August 2018 4 MIN OF READING

App Marketing – When is The Best Time to Launch? [NOW!]

Times, when marketing departments have worked autonomically, are over. The old business model separated Marketing from Sales, Marketing from IT, and so on. Fortunately, we...

Kamil Dziuba
30 June 2018 4 MIN OF READING
Kamil Dziuba
23 February 2016 7 MIN OF READING

MVP – Minimum Viable Product

Did you get the great idea you see in him the potential revenue opportunities, millions of users supported by millions of accounts. You got it!...

Kamil Dziuba
13 February 2016 5 MIN OF READING
Kamil Dziuba
02 February 2016 4 MIN OF READING