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Automation testing trends in 2023

In this ever-evolving world of digital business, companies are hustling hard to outdo one another. That's where innovation comes in - businesses are adopting some fancy AI tech to make things easier, cheaper and faster. We're talking about automation here, baby! From cutting costs to rolling out new products faster than a hot knife through butter, the digital age is making it all possible.

miko lehman
Miko Lehman
CEO @ GMI Software
10 August 2023 6 MIN OF READING

In this ever-evolving world of digital business, companies are hustling hard to outdo one another. That’s where innovation comes in – businesses are adopting some fancy AI tech to make things easier, cheaper and faster. We’re talking about automation here, baby! From cutting costs to rolling out new products faster than a hot knife through butter, the digital age is making it all possible.

Automation testing is one of the key software testing techniques that helps verify software quality by analyzing software behavior without requiring human testers. The widespread adoption of AI and chatbots has made it possible for enterprises to implement automated testing practices that were once difficult or even impossible to do manually. In this blog post, we will look at some of the latest automation testing trends in 2023 that you should know about if you want a shot at keeping your career relevant in this fast-changing world.

AI and ML in Software Testing

Oh, how lovely it is that automation testers just love to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Because who needs actual human testers when you can just rely on the cold, unfeeling algorithms of AI, am I right? And don’t even get me started on the increasing demand for “improved test coverage” and “specialized test execution” – because apparently, human intelligence just isn’t good enough anymore.

But fear not, my dear readers, because now software testing teams are hopping on the AI and ML bandwagon for “test management and optimization” (because we all know that the best way to optimize something is to take the human element out of it completely). And with an AI-driven automation testing platform, you can just sit back and watch as your application is tested with multiple test cases, all in one go. Who needs human intuition when you can have advanced machine learning algorithms that can learn from past executions and “optimize” the test cases accordingly?

But wait, there’s more! AI-based test management tools can also “help you manage and prioritize various test cases with ease.” Because managing test cases was just too darn easy for humans to begin with, am I right? And with a growing number of software testing projects, test management is becoming increasingly difficult for teams – but don’t worry, AI is here to save the day! You can now automate your test reporting, test scheduling, and test case prioritization, all without ever having to rely on pesky human judgment.

Chatbots in Software Testing

Oh, joy! Another automated tool to add to the arsenal of impersonal, soul-sucking corporate machinery. Aren’t we just thrilled? Enterprises just can’t get enough of these web-based automated application management tools, can they? But, oh no, integrating them with test management software is such a pesky little problem. It’s not like the people using these tools have anything better to do, right?

But fear not! Our savior, natural language processing (NLP), has come to the rescue! Now, you can integrate your test management software with a chatbot. Yes, that’s right. A chatbot. Because what’s more fun than chatting with a machine about your testing activities? But wait, there’s more! This test management chatbot can do it all! It can automate the entire test management process, from creating test cases to reporting results. And even better, non-technical users can use it too! Who needs technical knowledge when you can just chat with a bot? It’s not like testing is a complex and nuanced process, right? And the best part? You can even use this chatbot to communicate with a test agent. How exciting! It’s like having a conversation with a robot that talks to another robot. And we all know how much fun that is.

Automated Infrastructure in Software Testing

Setting up the testing environment manually is such a delightful task. It’s not like we have better things to do, like taking a nap or staring at the wall.

But fear not! Automation has come to save us from the horrors of manual labor. With automated infrastructure, we can set up testing on different environments with ease. Because who needs variety and challenges when you can just automate everything? And the best? We get to select the right option based on our needs! Wow, what an exciting decision to make. Shall we choose CI, CD, mobile, web, or… wait, I’m falling asleep just thinking about it.

But don’t worry, some automated testing tools have built-in options for setting up testing environments. Because why waste time setting it up ourselves when we can let the machines do it for us? And if that’s not enough, we can even integrate our existing environments with automation tools. Yay! More work to do! I’m sure we’ll all jump for joy at the thought of setting that up.

But wait, there’s more! We can set up multiple environments and run tests on each one. It’s like a never-ending cycle of excitement and adventure. And we can run automated tests in parallel to save time. Because who doesn’t love identifying defects quickly? It’s like a thrilling game of “find the bug” that never ends.

Automation testing trends

Automated Quality Assurance in Software Testing

Automated software testing tools, the ultimate solution for all our quality assurance needs! Who needs human intelligence when we can just let the machines do the work? With automated QA, we can run test cases across different environments and identify bugs quickly. Because who doesn’t love the thrill of finding bugs? It’s like a never-ending game of hide and seek, but with software defects. And let’s not forget the many different types of automated QA tools available! Functional, regression, exploratory, performance, security… the list goes on and on. Who knew testing could be so exciting?

But wait, there’s more! These tools are integrated with CI tools, so we can analyze and identify defects with ease. And we can generate test reports, because who doesn’t love reading a good report? It’s like a riveting novel, but with more graphs and charts. And the best part? We can use these tools for managing test cases, test libraries, and other test management tasks. Because who needs human organization skills when we can just let the machines do it for us?

The automation testing trends discussed in this article will help you build your testing skills and stay ahead of the competition in the job market.

To stay relevant in the software testing industry, you must understand the latest trends and incorporate these technologies in your testing activities. With these trends coming into play, businesses can expect an increased ROI from software testing activities. By leveraging these automation testing trends, you can test more software, in more ways, and in less time.